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women are freakin’ awesome. your financial mentor should be too.

There’s a new way to make money moves – and she’s called Penny. Penny Finance.

Your ticket to more security, less stress, and more freedom.

👀 5minute read

women investing

Most young, independent women we come across have similar feelings about finance: *Ew*

We get you. We’ve been there. 

Historically, women have faced a systemic access gap to financial knowledge and resources. And this isn’t just about the wealth gap or glass ceilings. 

In both business and our personal lives, the world of money is a boy’s club. 

Money, investments, finance. There’s always someone in everyone’s life known as “the money guy” – and they always make it too complicated, intimidating, unattainable.

And we, as women, start believing this money thing isn’t for us. 

Well, that’s BS. And we’re here to change that.

We’re going to cover all the ways women are money-smart AF – and to introduce a new way for you to get financial advice. With real money tips. And real girl talk.

The name’s Penny. Penny Finance: The mentor you wish you had, but couldn’t find. 

You in?

There’s a new money girl in the block – and she is here to stay.

Penny Finance is a first-of-its-kind digital financial advisor for women: a tech savvy, 100% online tool that is personalized for you and your financial goals.

We created Penny to help bridge the gap in financial education for women – and empower the next generation to create the financial freedom they crave, to fund their ideal lifestyle, now and in the future.

We bet on your potential, not on your bank account. Something the finance industry won’t do.

Somewhere along the way, society convinced everyone that men are better than women at handling money and financial decisions.

But the data points to a different story.

We summarized key research findings to remind you why women are awesome – and why every woman can 100% trust herself to kick-ass in money and finances, too.

1. Women do more with less

  •  Women working full time earned 81.6 cents for every dollar a man working full time earned on average (US Census Bureau)
  • Women are doing 4x the amount of unpaid work at home (NY Times)

Women slay, for less money. We know you’ve heard this before, but it is still infuriating. Everywhere we go, there’s an invisible glass ceiling. But we’re strong, determined, resilient – and we’re ready to change this trend.

2. Women are whip-smart

  • There are more college educated women than men (Forbes) 

  Betcha didn’t know that, did ya? Seriously, we rock!

3. Women do the hard things

  • Women now outnumber men in the workforce (TIME) 
  • At age 65, women will have 32 cents for every dollar of wealth a man has (Washington Post)

Do you ever hear about this? It was news to us. We don’t hear women complaining that they don’t have as much money as men when they are older – despite working just as much. Maybe we’re too busy taking care of everyone around us, instead of enjoying our well-earned rest in retirement?

4. Women are natural investors, but never brag about it

  • Mutual funds managed by women are outperforming those managed by men (Goldman Sachs)

Who said finance is a boy’s club, again? Ha! Investing isn’t hard once you learn the basics. Let’s start a new club, ladies.

5. Women can change the world

  • Women have the potential to add $12 trillion to the global economy over the course of the next decade (McKinsey)

It’s no surprise that the world is waking up to the potential of women in control of their financial future.

We know there is a gap in the market, and we’re not alone at seeing the potential women have to change our future – for the better.

Think: An entire generation of financially savvy women opting-in to more security, less stress, and more freedom? Yeah, we’re here for it.

Penny Finance can make that vision, reality.

Watch this message from our founder, Crissi Cole, on why she built Penny.

Penny is here to help women successfully navigate the complexities of finance – and take action to build the life you want. 

Because money matters. And you deserve to have a financial advisor who can answer all your money questions, without the overly complicated financial lingo. 

Money is *power* 

When you opt out of participating in the financial world, you opt out of having the power to build the life you want. We want you to have that life, and more. 

Money is *freedom*

Freedom to live your ideal life, by your own money rules.

  • Freedom to buy that house or rent your dream condo – and do all the shopping you want without feeling guilty.
  • Freedom to quit your job and travel for 3 months – or fund a staycation at that cute boutique hotel, because you can afford it, and more.
  • Freedom to crush your goals and lead your life the way you want to, without stressing about living from paycheck to paycheck – yes, it’s possible! 

And we’re here to help you lead the best freakin’ life you could ever imagine.

Money builds *confidence*

When you know your numbers, you trust yourself to make decisions about your life (and your money) in a way that feels good for *you*. Not your parents. Not your partner. Not your BFF. YOU.

Your life, your numbers, your personal plan. You are one-of-a-kind – your financial mentor should be too.

We are incredibly excited to give you a new way to get money advice.

We are here for the rising generation of women who are at the starting line. The ones transitioning into adulthood and facing all that comes with it.

You’ve played by the rules, got your degree, first job, first credit card.
You’re capable, smart, sophisticated, and driven, oh so driven.

Yet, for you, money and finance seem so unattainable, unaffordable, and intimidating.

Not anymore.

Penny is here to help you combine your natural smarts and strengths with real-world financial knowledge – so you can take control of your life, and your future.

Penny is more than the digital financial mentor you always wanted, but couldn’t find. 

Penny is how we make an impact. 

To all the amazing women out there. We see you.

We will solve some *heavy* stuff together.

Get money empowered. Get Penny.

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