Have you thought about new year's money goals yet?
December is filled with sales and holiday cheer. But unless you’re in an accountant role of sorts, finances often take a backseat.
That’s okay: Healthy breaks can make a relationship stronger. The key is to get back on track!
Use this checklist to make your connection with your money even stronger and start the new year with your most magnetic money goals yet.
👀 3min read
📸: Death to Stock
Did you create new year money goals… last year? If yes, did you meet those goals? Why or why not? Debt repayment, savings, retirement. Take stock of where you’re at.
Want a shortcut? Our 3min money quiz will give you a great place to start. It shows your future net worth and time until debt free -- the two most important factors to growing wealth (and keeping your head above water).
Remember: be kind to yourself in this process.
Money is all about building new habits; and we already know how hard that is! If you’re not happy with where you’re at, don’t beat yourself up. Focus on what you can do differently moving forward.
Especially the small ones!
Something like “I invested $20 in stocks,” or “I opened a retirement account but it's not invested yet” may feel small or unfinished.
Celebrate every single one! Those baby steps become the foundation for even bigger success next year.
Knowing what you know now…
What do you want to accomplish next year? Is it to become debt-free? Start investing? Buy a house?
Awesome. Write it all down!
If you don’t have any specific new year money goals, here’s a different approach. Ask yourself:
Proud? Content? Safe?
…If you’re often scared or worried you won’t have enough: Do you want to feel confident? Or safe to spend without worry? Both?
Get curious, and the money goals will follow.
You took stock of the past year…
Wrote down your hopes and goals for the future…
Time to plant those seeds!
Go through your big picture list, and make it actionable:
What's one small step you can take in the next month, to make your dream goal come true?
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Home buying a goal this year? Here’s a special checklist for you.
Eh… We don't love budgeting. We don’t think you need to, either.
Unless Excel sheets and nitty-gritty expense tracking fill you with laughter and joy, you have our full permission to keep traditional budgeting off your new year money goal list.
Instead, focus on knowing your numbers:
When you keep things simple, there’s a higher chance you’ll succeed. And that’s exactly what we want for you, in the new year: a thriving, successful, and healthy relationship between you and your wallet.
Happy New Year! xo
At Penny Finance, our goal is to provide easy and digestible financial education for everyone who doesn't have millions of dollars.
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